Li-Fi to replace Wi-Fi soon!! What is Li-Fi?
The scientists are busy in making this idea a reality.It is being tested in China.
It is cheap wireless communication system in which Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are used as a medium to transmit communication signals similar to that of the Wi-Fi.
The main advantage it serves is that it can be installed and used in electromagnetic sensitive areas like the aircraft without itself causing electromagnetic intrusion by the signals.
Fiber optics is at its peak at present and so does this technology uses.But here fibers are separated and carried through LEDs.
The Li-Fi project is aimed to be made commercial by 2018.It is found to be ten times cheaper than Wi-fi.It would also be super fast than Wi-Fi.
Let us hope this way we get more availability of cheaper net!
You can view more about its history and how this project started on
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